Whats up guys? Its the 3rd day of the Monsters University Takeover! Have you guys claim your costume yet? If not,play the Scare Game to obtain your points now!
What are you gonna dress up for today? Are you gonna be Johnny or George? Check back for more costume. Well,that's all for today... Waddle on!
Hi guys, Michele50is a real star penguin! She is always helping others around the island, throws awesome igloo parties and shares all her CP knowledge with her friends!
Contact CP and tell us something awesome about your buddy! Until next time!
Hey guys, Today is the second day of the Monsters University Takeover! Yesterday,lot of us wearing as Mike! Today,we gonna see lot of us wearing as Sulley!
Mike decreasing,Sulley Increasing! LOL!
More costumes are coming! Right now, the OK team is the top team!
Happysalad2 likes to spread the word about keeping our oceans clean and safe! This blue mermaid also helps her fellow sea creatures by sharing tips on how to dance. She’s brill for shore!
Hey guys, The Monsters University Takeover is finally here! I feel so excited today...What about you guys? There's more interesting places to waddle on!
In front of the Monsters University's gate!
For your information,this room located between the Snow Fort and the Plaza! I hardly find this room at first...
Which team you guys gonna choose?I choose the Oozma Kappa!
Hi there, It’s always ace to know that there are good guys like Applebees561 patrolling the Island and making sure nothing fishy is going on! He’s a good CP citizen and an even better friend. Keep it up!
I’m sure you all know by now but Contact Club Penguin and tell CP who you think should be POTD! Bye now!
Aly71's answer is awesome! My favorite summer activity has to be surfing with my family, why you ask? Surfing brings my family together so we can have laughs and fun instead of fighting for the front seat in the car LOL!! So we have laughs by when i fall my brother laughs his heart away and fun by just seeing that huge wave coming for you and then you start paddling and jump up and then you feel the breeze in your hair and the thrill of balance so thats my activity!!!
As for this week, above are some of the personalities that can be seen in the new Monster's University movie recently released. Which personality from the Monsters University characters do you relate to and why?
We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins! I'm looking forward to reading all your comments!
Hello everyone, Anyone need an epic monster hunter? Then look no further! Pengver1037 is here to save the day in his ghost-catching-power-glove-combo gear! I hear he’s ace at defeating Tusk too...
Let the team know your POTD nominations via the Contact Club Penguin page! Make sure you check back for more POTD...
Whats up guys, I’m super excited for the Monsters University Takeover and it looks like Ashrocks789 is too! She has decorated her iggy as a PNK hangout (go Team PNK!) and it looks roar-some!
The team and Daffodaily5 love checking out cool igloos,so if your buddy has an epic iggy,Contact The Team! See you again!
Hey there, Today I just visit an igloo and I found out this one is a special iggy! I found it while I waddling around in server Blizzard. Take a look at it!
Nice decorating,it really looks like SpongeBob and Patrick! Until then,waddle on!
Hiya, Honeypup34 has been nominated for hosting ace igloo parties! Daffodaily5 took a peek at her igloo and it looks like an EPF training camp. Epic isn’t it? Love the outfit too! Total fashionista. Her outfit really fit with her rare Cadence background!
Don’t forget to Contact Club Penguinif you have a friend that should be POTD! See you again!
Hi guys, It has been one week since I firstly open this blog!And I have a special surprise for my readers.I'm having a PARTY this week!And everyone invited!Like I have seen,most of my readers are from Malaysia!I'm really appreciate you Malaysian readers.Here's the info about my party: Date : Saturday,22 June 2013 Time : 9.00 a.m,Saturday (Malaysia time) 6.00 p.m,Friday (Club Penguin Time) Place : Muddy Kid's Igloo Server : Blizzard
Hey guys, I'm sorry posting this post late.This week's issue is the #400!Congratulations Club Penguin!Keep your work Aunt Arctic.We love your article. Alright,I had decided on which team I would join.But its a secret...
Hello guys, Polo Field brought a special news!Here what he said: "We're incredibly excited to share some HUGE news with all of you. In fact, this might be the biggest party announcement EVER. Brace yourself…Over the years, we've received thousands of comments, emails and phone calls, all asking for one thing… You asked and we listened! Check out this EPIC special video announcement…"
Click Here to see more about this news! Waddle on!
Whats up? Today POTD is Coolpol79!Congrats!Here what Daffodaily5 said: I think Coolpool79really lives up to his name! He’s always seen around the island making people laugh and putting smiles on the faces of his neeeigh-bours. Cool iggy too.
I really like his costume.Very rare!Anyway,if you know someone who likes to help others, or is just a great online friend, let Club Penguin know via the Contact Club Penguin page! See ya!
Hey there, YEAY!The Puffle Digging is now release!Walk your puffle around the island and find some coins.I bring my pink puffle,Peach to the forest and...
Good job Peach!Lets go find more coins... Until then,waddle on!
Hello guys, Have you been following up on the reconstruction of the Everyday Phoning Facility from when Herbert trashed it? Today, it's made some more progress! Along with a brand new look outside of the building, inside of it seems to still need some work, but it's getting there! It appears that they've boarded up all of the holes and is currently working on reconstructing the inside.
It looks awesome to me!What do you think?Make to check back for more news! Waddle on!
Hiya, I just visit Club Herbert and look...Star Wars background!I wonder if Club Penguin gonna collaborating with Star Wars.Do you think we could travel to space and use lightsaber?LOL!Lets wait together for the new updates!
Hello everyone, Today,Club Penguin brought great news!The new stamp is almost here.I can't wait for it!In a meantime,lets go play Card Jitsu Snow.Are you with me?GREAT!Check out the new stamps later...
Thank you so much Club Penguin!We love you!Remember to leave a comment! Waddle on!
Hi everyone, Today POTD is Agenco and here's the message from Daffodaily5: ''The team and I are always proud of our players, especially when they like to help others. Agenco did a 3km walk to raise money for kids in his local area, which is so inspiring! Great work!''
Contact Club Penguinto let them know who you think should be POTD next! Waddle on!
Hey guys, Now puffles will be able to dig up coins around the island! The team is also working on a huge update for next month where members with puffles will be able to dig up some RARE ITEMS! I don't want to say too much just yet, but I will say that there's a classic pair of glasses up for grabs that only your puffles will be able to find...
Hey guys, Talia2020has been a brill pal to go shopping with and helps her buddies design their igloos! Well, I checked out this fashionista’s igloo and hers is pretty sweet. Waterfall in a penthouse? Ace!
Do you have an epic online buddy? Nominate them for Penguin of the Day via the Contact Club Penguinpage! See ya!
Hiya, Check out Midnight Emo's iggy!This iggy looks so cosy.I love how he decorate the kitchen.And look,the fireplace might be the best spot to rest our mind...
Nice outfit,Midnight Emo!I like that blue star background.The scarf looks nice too...