Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Penguin of the Day (Need4speed67)

Whats up?

You all know I love hearing about friendly penguins and Need4speed67 is exactly that! He’s especially known for complimenting other penguins on their outfits. Well, my friend, we all think your outfit is ace and stripe-tastic!

Penguin of the Day nominations can be sent via the Contact Us page!

Waddle on!

Stormtroopers at Work - Phone Support

Hey penguins,
"Hello, thank you for calling Club Penguin..." Let's hear your best Star Wars™ Takeover captions! Can't wait to hear what you come up with for this one! 

See ya!

Month in Review - July

Greetings penguins,
We are going to try something new with Reviewed by the end of each month we are going to do a Month in Review! As you know, we love getting feedback from our players so this will give you the chance to let us know your thoughts! We want to know what your highlights of the month were and what you would like to see in upcoming months!

To refresh your memory here's a list of some memorable moments in July:
  • School added to Club Penguin
  • Puffle Treasure Hunting Items
  • Furniture Catalog
  • #WaddleOn Series Begins
  • Penguin Style
  • Star Wars™ Takeover Begins and Tatooine Quest Launched
Looking forward to your feedback!
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team

Penguin of the Day (Zoey23591)

Hello guys,

Zoey23591 is the ‘funniest penguin to be around!’ She’s always going on adventures with her puffles, hosting igloo parties, and making many penguins smile along the way. Including ME!

Contact Club Penguin and share your nominations with the Team.

See you next time!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Penguin of the Day (Michael17063)

Hi penguins,

It took me a while myself to figure out how to get into the Secret Under Water Room so it makes me happy that Michael17063, a devoted Tour Guide, share all his CP secrets with new players!

You know the drill! Send your nominations via the Contact Us page!

Bye now!

Friday, 26 July 2013

#WaddleOn! Episode 3

Hey there,

The 3rd episode of Club Penguin's comedy sketch #WaddleOn! is now released! It contains lots of new random jokes including a silly way to tip the Ice Berg, another 'you're an EARTHLING!' joke which is really funny unlike the previous ones, and lots more. 

It was also confirmed that a new episode of #WaddleOn! comes out every Friday from now on!

See you next time!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

R2-D2 Pin

Hey guys,

The new pin located at Pizza Parlor and its R2-D2 Pin!

See you later!

Star Wars Takeover 25 July Catalog

Hi everyone,

Star Wars Takeover is here and here is some of the outfit that you can buy from the catalog:

Remember to check back this 1st August for more outfit!

See you next time!

Penguin of the Day (Kendall A423)

Hello guys,

This penguin is a real star! Kendall A423 is always cheering up penguins and inviting them to play games with her. She even ran a group to save endangered pandas! Aww, I love pandas!

Send your Penguin of the Day nominations via the Contact Us page.

Bye now!

Stormtroopers at Work - Music Break

Hi there,

Music break! Everyone got their Star Wars™ Takeover captions ready?



Penguin of the Day (Bulala3)

Hey there,

Bulala3 is a great explorer, a huge puffle lover, respects the rules of CP and always has fun playing with friends! What a wonderful Penguin of the Day. Ace igloo too!

Contact the team if you think your friend should feature on the blog!

See ya!

Club Penguin Times Issue #405

Whats up?

There's a brand new Club Penguin Times Issue newspaper released with special guest Obi-Wan Sensei who is answering questions! In this week's Club Penguin Times Newspaper, you can read more about the current Star Wars Takeover, as well as upcoming events, and more! In this week's featured story: Join the Rebel Alliance!

What do you think of this week's Club Penguin Times Newspaper? Are you going to join the Rebel Alliance?

Until then,waddle on!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Reviewed by You (Star Wars Takeover)

Hi guys,

I really liked Adri6363's answer:
My favorite party of all time was when Club Penguin had the Hollywood Party. It was totally fun! I played every single day it was on and it actually kinda made me feel like a superstar. I wish sometimes that it can come back. Also it was fun to get awards and get your own 15 minutes of fame! Riding limos to living in fancy penthouses, I think it was to best party ever!! Waddle On!!

Alright Star Wars fans, give it to me straight...what are you most looking forward to at the upcoming party?

We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins! Looking forward to reading all your comments!

Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Stormtroopers at Work - Managing Projects

Hey penguins,
You know the drill... help caption this Star Wars™ Takeover photo for us by leaving a comment below!

See you later!

Penguin of the Day (Robot Tin)

Hey guys,

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a river in an igloo as EPIC as this one! Robot Tin has done an ace job with this igloo and I hear they're a pretty friendly penguin too!

Don’t forget, all Penguin of the Day winners get 5000 coins, so visit the Contact Us page!

Until next time!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Penguin of the Day (Walkervaner)

Hi everyone,

We love receiving fun and inspiring emails from our players! Walkervaner always writes to us with so much enthusiasm for CP. They are a dedicated member of the EPF and an all-round ace member of the CP community!

Contact CP to share your Penguin of the Day nominations.

Waddle on!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Penguin of the Day (Agenco)

Hi guys,

The team and I are always proud of our players, especially when they like to help others. Agenco did a 3km walk to raise money for kids in his local area, which is so inspiring! Great work!

Congrats Agenco, this the 2nd time he become POTD! Contact CP to let them know who you think should be POTD next!

See you next time!

#WaddleOn! Episode 2

Hello there,

Time for random LOLs! I like the most is the Christmas Trees' revenge! That's so hilarious. So,which part is your favourite?

Watch the third episode next week!

Waddle on!

Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover Video

Hey penguins,

I can't wait for the Star Wars Takeover next week! What are you going to do while waiting for next week? Anyway here's the trailer of the party...

Make sure to leave a comment and tune in for the next post!

Until then,waddle on!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Club Penguin at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2013

Hello there,

I'm super excited to tell you all that we will be appearing at this year's Star Wars Celebration Europe! This is one of the biggest Star Wars events of the year and we can't wait to meet all the fans that will be attending from around the world! It's being held in Essen, Germany from the 26th to the 28th of July, and we'll be there for the whole event!

We're going to be giving players the chance to experience the Star Wars Takeover in our amazing themed booth. We'll also be offering some epic prizes, including an exclusive in-game item! If you're already planning to go to the event, be sure to come and say hello to the team! If you'd like to get tickets, please ask your parents' permission.

May the Force be with you!


-Club Penguin Team

Penguin of the Day (Watly3)

Hi there,

After taking the test many times, Watly3 has finally become a Tour Guide! Well done!  She is doing a brill job showing new penguins around the Island and hosts fun parties at her igloo too. *High fives*

Contact Club Penguin if your friend should be Penguin of the Day.

See ya!

New Furniture Catalog (July 2013)

Hey everyone,

It's time for the member Star Wars fans to redecorate their igloos! A brand new Furniture Catalog featuring all new Star Wars-based furniture has been released today. You can now purchase furniture items for both sides; the Sith, and the Jedi! There's also a few hidden items for you to pick out of the catalog, if you wish.

What do you think of this brand new Furniture Catalog? Are you going to furnish your igloo in the ways of the Sith, or the Jedi?

See you on next post!

New Igloo Catalog (July 2013)

Hello guys,

Along with the brand new Furniture Catalog that has been released, a brand new Star Wars-based igloo has been released for member penguins to purchase and use as their igloos. Unlike the other igloos, this one is based on the Death Star, and only costs 1,000 coins to buy!

What do you think of this brand new Igloo Catalog? Are you going to purchase this brand new igloo?

Until then,waddle on!

New Star Wars Igloo Music

What's up guys?

You may want to check out the brand new igloo music added to your igloo. You can now set your igloo music as any of the following:

What do you think of the new Igloo Music list? Which song are you going to set your igloo music to?

Bye now!

Club Penguin Times Issue #404

Hi guys,

Aunt Arctic has released a brand new issue of the Club Penguin Times for penguins around the island to read about the latest news on the island. In this week's Featured Story, Imperial Forces Loom, Aunt Arctic discusses updates on the Death Star's arrival. As for the rest of the newspaper, she discusses astronaut training, upcoming events, and more!

What do you think of this week's Club Penguin Times Newspaper issue? Are you excited for the upcoming Star Wars Takeover? I sure am!

See you later!

Another Update

Hi everyone,

Guys,we got another update at Club Herbert page! And the Death Star is coming closer to CP. Are you ready for The Star Wars Takeover next week...

Whoa, that's a lot of vegan pizza... Its made me HUNGRY!

Waddle on!

Penguin of the Day (Agent Blanco)

Hey penguins,

Agent Blanco is one committed EPF Agent! When he isn’t tracking down that pesky polar bear, Herbert, he’s doing his best to help catch rogue penguins. Ace work, ace goggles. 

As always, visit Contact Us page with your nominations.

Until next time!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Stormtroopers at Work - Coffee Break

Hello guys,

*Yawn* Time for a coffee break... and another photo to caption!

Write your caption suggestion in the comments below!

Waddle on!

Reviewed by You (Parties)

Hi penguins,

I really liked Jujugins' answer: "My joke is a pet joke. i think it is quite funny. here it can dogs stop a video game? THEY PRESS THE PAWS BUTTON!"
Great joke! 10,000 coins to Jujugins!

Hope you are all gearing up to save the galaxy! In light of this epic party we want to know, what has been your all time favorite party so far?
We'll pick one comment to feature in next week's Reviewed by You. If your review is featured next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins! Looking forward to reading all your comments!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

Penguin of the Day (Lilly88777)

Hey everyone,

Igloo parties are so much fun, aren’t they? Lilly88777 shares all her CP wisdom with her pals and helps them choose some super, epic party themes! Her own igloo looks pretty brill too!

Contact CP if you think your friend should be Penguin of the Day.

Bye now!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Stormtroopers at Work - Writing

Whats up?

Great captions so far, keep em' coming! Here is today's Star Wars™ Takeover photo...

Write your caption suggestion in the comments below!

Until next time!

UK Players (Win a Club Penguin Moderation Master Class!)

Hello penguins,

As you know, we’ve got a huge team of trained moderators all around the world, helping to keep Club Penguin safe. Our support team also receives a load of emails from you guys asking to come and visit one of our offices, to learn more about what it takes to be a CP moderator.
Well I’m excited to say, as part of Aim High, we’re offering the chance for 5 UK players to win a day trip to our office in Brighton on 31st July, where they'll get a unique opportunity to meet the CP team and take part in a Moderation Master Class! Pretty epic, eh?

If you’re in the UK and that sounds like something you’d be interested in, please ask your parents to enter for the chance to win. Details of how your parents can enter can be found here: Aim High Competition T&Cs
The closing date is Monday  22nd July at 9am (UK time), so if you want to enter you better be quick! Good luck!

Penguin of the Day (Javier 8)

Hi guys,

Javier 8 is a super Penguin of the Day! He spends his spare time volunteering at the local animal shelter, helping out with walking the dogs. It’s so paw-some he looks out for his poochy pals!

If your friend has done something amazing then Contact Club Penguin and let them know.

Waddle on!

Friday, 12 July 2013

Stormtroopers at Work - Drawing Droids

Hello penguins,

It's time for a little photo caption-writing fun!
Over the next few weeks, we'll post a Star Wars Takeover photo, then we want you to write the caption for it!
Here's an example to get you started..."When you can't find the Droids you're looking for... Draw them!"

Now it's your turn... what would you write as the caption for this photo?
Waddle on!

New CP Comedy Show (#WaddleOn! Episode 1)

Whats up?

Spike Hike announcing a very SPECIAL post at CP Blog!

"For the next couple of months we're going to try something new -- and you're an important part of it!
We've gotten great comments from you about our videos, including the epic Star Wars preview video that we debuted last week. But there's one thing you always ask us for – MORE! Well, there's one thing we've always wanted to try... and that's a sketch comedy show!
So starting this week, we're launching #WaddleOn, a show made in Club Penguin itself about the random funny things that happen in our community everyday. Here's the first episode!
Now here's where you come in. We want to hear what you like, what you don't, what you think is funny, and what isn't. We also want to know what you'd like to see in future episodes. This is your show, so let's make it awesome together!
For each episode we'll incorporate your feedback and if you like it where it's headed, we'll keep doing more!
This is going to be fun!"

Hahaha! Very hilarious Club Penguin! Good Job...
Until next time guys!