Saturday, 31 August 2013

I Met Daffodaily5 In Server Klondike(English)

Whats up,

Today I met Daffodaily5 at the UK Magazine Party. The party was awesome! Oh, do you think my hat is silly?

 Daffo at the highway:

Give me a strawberry ice cream LOL!

Daffo goes surfing:

She's riding a bike on a surfboard? LOL!

Its getting crowded...

Daffo loves surfing!
We gave Daffo a smile before she left!
Until next time!

UK Magazine Party Reminder

I just wanted to remind you guys that Daffodaily5 having a party TODAY to celebrate the latest issue of the Club Penguin Magazine - which I'm in!
She'll be on server Klondike at 11am UK time (3am PST). Don't forget to wear your silly hats!

Friday, 30 August 2013

#WaddleOn! Episode 8

Hi Penguins,

It's Friday -- time for another episode of #WaddleOn!

As always, let me know what you think... What's your favorite joke in this week's episode? What would you like to see happen in our next episode? Unicorns? Potatoes? Pony princesses at a pie-eating contest??... Okay, maybe my ideas aren't the best. Let me know YOUR best suggestions in the comments below! I know you'll have better ideas than me.

Until then, waddle on!

Penguin of the Day (Ryuga14)

Hi there,

Ryuga14 loves Club Penguin so much that he wants everyone to join the fun! He introduced his cousin to our island and shares all his CP secrets and tips with them. He is the perfect role model!

Do you know someone who should be Penguin of the Day? Contact CP!

Until next time!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

My Penguin 1.2 Official Trailer

Hey Penguins,
Check out the official trailer for the newly updated My Penguin App for iPad!
Hope you're having fun! Don't forget to let us know what you think.
Waddle on!

Time to Meet Mack And Brady

Hey there,

Ever wondering when will Mack and Brady will be visiting? If yes, read this for more info:

August 24, Saturday
2:30 AM - Alaska (English)
3:00 PM - Zipline (English)
3:00 PM - White Out (English)

August 25, Sunday
3:00 PM - White Out (English)

August 26, Monday
6:00 AM - Boreal (Portuguese)
10:30 AM - Granizo (Portuguese)
9:00 AM - Yeti (French)

August 27, Tuesday
7:30 AM - Eiszapfen (German)
8:30 PM - Jour de Neige (French)

August 28, Wednesday
5:00 AM - Abracadabra (Spanish)
10:15 AM - Friaca (Portuguese)

August 29, Thursday
7:30 AM - Iglu (German)
10:30 AM - Sundae (Portuguese)
11:00 AM - Fresca Melodia (Spanish)
1:45 PM - Meias de La (Portuguese)

August 30, Friday
5:00 AM - Yeti (Spanish)
5:15 AM - Tundra (Portuguese)

August 31, Saturday
3:00 PM - White House (English)
3:00 PM - Blizzard (English)

September 2, Monday
10:20 AM - Ventildaor (Portuguese)

September 3, Tuesday
6:45 AM - Bloco de Gelo (Portuguese)
11:00 AM - Laser Multicolor (Spanish)
12:00 AM - Freezer (Portuguese)

September 4, Wednesday
10:15 AM - Glacial (Portuguese)

More dates are coming soon... Make sure you check back. If you have the dates, don't forget to leave a comment.

See you later!

Cadence Visiting The Island

Hi there,

Cadence gonna waddling around the island this party! So I found the schedule when she's gonna online!

August 24, Saturday
7:00 AM - Mousqueton (French)
2:00 PM - Batido de Mango (Spanish)
6:30 PM - Crystal (English)
6:30 PM - Alaska (English)

August 25, Sunday
2:00 AM - Blizzard (English)
9:00 AM - Ventilador (Portuguese)
10:00 AM - Cordilheira (Portuguese)
1:00 PM - DJ Aletas (Spanish)
1:30 PM - Avalanche (Portuguese)
6:30 PM - Alaska (English)

August 26, Monday
2:00 AM - Zipline (English)
8:30 AM - Yeti (French)
1:50 PM - Geladeira (Portuguese)

August 27, Tuesday
7:30 AM - Yeti (English)
6:45 PM - Matterhorn (German)
7:00 PM - Aurora Boreal (Portuguese)
7:30 PM - Yeti (French)
12:30 PM - Frapȇ (Portuguese)

August 28, Wednesday
2:00 AM - White Out (English)
7:00 AM - Deu Branco (Portuguese)
1:30 PM - Neblina (Portuguese)

August 29, Thursday
5:45 AM - Ventania (Portuguese)
8:30 PM - Schneeflocke (German)

August 30, Friday
1:00 AM - Arctic (English)
10:20 AM - Aurora Boreal (Portuguese)
3:15 PM - Zero Grau (Portuguese)

August 31, Saturday
9:05 AM - Friaca (Portuguese)
11:15 AM - Estalactite (Portuguese)
2:00 PM - Wasabi (Spanish)
2:00 PM - Boreal (Portuguese)
6:30 PM - Arctic (English)

September 1, Sunday
9:30 AM - Floco de Neve (Portuguese)
10:30 AM - Ventania (Portuguese)
1:00 PM - Cangrejo de Oro (Spanish)
2:00 PM - Blonco de Gelo (Portuguese)
6:30 PM - Rainbow (English)

September 2, Monday
6:00 AM - Cordilheira (Portuguese)
1:30 PM - Torta de Atum (Portuguese)

September 3, Tuesday
3:15 PM - Avalanche (Portuguese)

September 4, Wednesday
7:00 AM - Mamute (Portuguese)
8:00 AM - Gletscher (German)
1:50 PM - Picole (Portuguese)

More dates are coming soon... Make sure you check back. If you have the dates, don't forget to leave a comment.

Waddle on!

Penguin of the Day (6bjones)

Hey guys,

One of 6bjones’s friends told us she hosts the most colourful parties around. Looks like they were right! What an iggy!

Contact CP if you know someone who should be POTD.

Bye now!

Rockhopper Coming To Club Penguin


Today, I went to the Beacon and I clicked on the telescope and found this:

Its Rockhopper! It has been a very long time since Rockhopper last visited the island!

See you guys next time!

Club Penguin Times Issue #410

Hi Penguins,

Enjoying the Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam? A brand new Club Penguin Times Newspaper has been released today, and is based on some of the activities you can do at the party before it ends!

Which upcoming event are you looking forward to the most? Medieval Party is coming this September 19! I can't wait!

Until then, waddle on!

My Penguin 1.2 for iPad Now Available!

Whats up?

The new version of My Penguin for iPad is now available to download in the Apple App Store! The team has been working hard and it's totally paid off. Now it's time to try it out for yourself! 
First, check out this music video for the newly released "Party in My Iggy!"

Here's what I think you'll love most about the new version of My Penguin:
  • The ability to now decorate your igloo on the go 
  • The new and more lifelike 3D Penguin
  • Brand new game - Jetpack Boost...possibly my favorite Club Penguin game now!
Feel free to head over to the Mobile Apps FAQ page for any questions you need answered.
Don't see your question there? Contact Club Penguin here!
Oh, and don't forget to let us know your favorite new feature of the My Penguin App for iPad!
Waddle on!

Bikers & Surfers - Party at Big Momma's!

Hey there,

I don't know about you, but all this singing and dancing puts me in the mood to party! And seeing as the hottest hangout on the island right now is Big Momma's, I think we ought to head down there and party down. Teen Beach Movie style!

So if you're a surfer or a biker, make sure you jump online today at 5am Penguin Standard Time (that's 1pm UK time, folks), and join me on the server Frozen for a Wet Side Story boogie!

Look forward to seeing you there!

Later guys!

Month in Review (August 2013)

Hi guys,

It's time for another Month in Review, last time we asked for a time when you have gone above and beyond for a friend.
I really liked Joey23451's answer: 
One time my friend Nikki broke her index and middle fingers on her right hand. She refused to stay home from school, but she needed someone to help her write. Every single day for 2 weeks I wrote for her in class, we had the same schedule. I also had to do my own writing. She still thanks me to this day. I loved helping her, she's such a great friend!
Great response Joey23451!

Now, here are some highlights of August:
  • Star Wars - Death Star and Tatooine Quests
  • August Clothing Catalog
  • August Furniture Catalog
  • Puffle Digging - Favorite Foods
  • Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam Party
  • My Penguin Update
Let us know your thoughts!
We'll pick one comment to feature in the next Reviewed by You. If your review is featured, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add the coins! Looking forward to reading all your comments!
Waddle on!

Penguin of the Day (Firebowl34)


Firebowl34 has a rockin’ Sushi restaurant igloo, and I’ve heard he donates his profits to Coins for Change! So cool!

If you’ve got a friend who should be POTD, contact CP!

See you again!

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Igloos Coming to My Penguin on iPad!

Whats up?

Last week we revealed the epic news that My Penguin 1.2 is coming to iPad, with all-new 3D penguin avatars! Of course, penguins need a place to hang out... and what better place to hang out than your iggy? That's right, igloos are coming to the next version of My Penguin! 

Here's how it works: when you log into My Penguin on iPad, you'll see your igloo as it appears on Re-decorating your igloo in My Penguin is super-fast, too -- thanks to an all-new touch interface that takes full advantage of the iPad! When you save your iggy design, it will appear on as well. Pretty cool, eh?

Just like on, you can invite your friends to check out your igloo or visit theirs. My Penguin has a brand new interface that lets you see a preview of igloos for easy browsing. It will make it so much faster to find igloo parties!

For those interested in our technology, My Penguin uses entirely new tech that will be the future foundation of Club Penguin. Servers will work a little differently. Instead of logging into a server, we will take you directly to the igloo you want to go to. If the iggy gets full, we will spin up another version of that igloo so that more people can join. This will be really handy for the most popular iggys. Now if we only had a jump feature... :-)
Waddle On!

Penguin of the Day (Dawg5)

Hey there,

From his secret base igloo – complete with globe bean bag! - Dawg5 is an eco-friendly champion who’s always telling people to protect the environment!

Contact Club Penguin to nominate a friend for Penguin of the Day!

See ya!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Penguin of the Day (Jpjake)

Hi Penguins,

Jpjake is a real game guru! He’s always ready to play games if someone else wants to play - and it looks like he’s a brill Tuba player too!

Know someone who deserves to be POTD? Contact CP!

Waddle on!

Saturday, 24 August 2013

#WaddleOn! Episode 7

Hi Penguins,

I'm sorry for posting too late. Today I've got a lot of works to do. So now, its time for new episode!

That is awesome! I can't wait for new episode next week! See ya!

What's New in September 2013

Hello guys,

September is just around the corner and we have a bunch of exciting stuff coming up for you.
You may have already heard that the Medieval Party is headed our way on September 19! The team is excited to bring back a classic Club Penguin party with a completely new twist. Here's a sneak peek of what's to come:

In other exciting news, Rockhopper is coming back to the island! Stay tuned to the blog and we'll have some meet up times so you don't miss him.
Until then...waddle on!

Friday, 23 August 2013

Penguin of the Day (Vancouver740)

Whats up?

Vancouver740 helps his friends out with mini-games, finding famous penguins, and earning stamps. What a great friend! Brill igloo, too!

To nominate a friend for POTD, contact CP!

Bye now!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Make a Splash - The Party Starts Now!

Hey Penguins,
The party is on! Let's get surf crazy! But before you do... check out this video from our friends at Disney Channel to see what's in store.
Let me know what you think of the party so far! See ya!

Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam catalog

Hello everyone,

Have you ever logged into a party in Club Penguin and noticed that there weren't any items to pick up for the party? That's because there has never been a party where an item wasn't available! Just like with every other party, Club Penguin has brought some all new items for penguins to purchase and collect in celebration of the Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam!

What do you think of all the brand new items available for you to pick up? Which character are you going to dress as? Oh, I heard there is secret in the catalog! Make sure you find it. I'm not sure where is the secret actually!

Until then, waddle on!

Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam Walkthrough

Whats up?

The hottest party of the year is here! Teen Beach’s Movie Summer Jam has taken over the island. Here I got some of the pics for this party!

Here's the room:







Big Momma's

You know how much I love the decorations most of the room! Its make me feel like the summer's still longer!

Later guys!

New Lighthouse Music Catalog Updated

Hey there,

Today, along with the other updates, Club Penguin updated it’s Music Catalog with a brand new design! All items are still the same, the only thing that changed is, well, the design!

For your surprise, try click on the tuba(1st page) and the upper most star on left page(2nd page)!

Bye now!