Sunday, 29 September 2013

Ultimate Mega Dragon Potion

Hi Penguins,

Finally, the Potion of Ultimate Mega Dragon is now unlocked. Now you can become the Ultimate Mega Dragon

Here what you will look like:

After you complete all the potions, you will get these for rewards:

Waddle on!

Friday, 27 September 2013

#WaddleOn! Episode 11

Hey guys,

The new episode of #WaddleOn! is here! It's the Medieval Party theme for this week.

The next episode is based on your ideas. I couldn't wait for next week!

Waddle on!

Fleet Potion

Hi guys,

After trying the Potion of Hovering, you might wanna try to use the new Fleet Potion. It gives you an effect which make you walk faster.

You can see the effect at this page!

Until next time!

Penguin of the Day (Luellatrack)

Hello there,

Luellatrack is always giving her pals inspiration to look for puffle treasure, which is super helpful! My puffle, Blossom, often gets distracted by flowery things when she should be digging... She’s too much like her owner.

Let us know if you would like to submit your buddy as Penguin of the Day via the Contact Us page!

See you then!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Help Make an Episode of #WaddleOn!

Hello Penguins!
Polo Field need some of your help:
"Episode 12 of #WaddleOn (appearing on 10/4/13) is going to be a BEST OF show, but we need your help – tell us your FAVORITE #WaddleOn sketches!  They can be from any episode. 
Blacksmith Force?  Statue Roommates?  Alien Diner?  Or something else?  Let us know, and you’ll decide which sketches we use in the show!"

Waddle on!

Penguin of the Day (Kevke2001)

Whats up?

With all the amazing parties we’ve been having recently, I think some of the mini-games get forgotten about. But NOT Find Four! It’s one of my fave games and Kevke2001 enjoys it just as much as I do. Perhaps we could have a tournament some time?

Contact us with your Penguin of the Day submissions. 5000 coins go to every successful penguin!

Waddle on!

Club Penguin Times Issue #414

Hi Penguins,

Enjoying the Medieval Party of 2013? A brand new Club Penguin Times newspaper has been released today that's full of information on the latest Medieval Party news!

What do you think of this week's Club Penguin Times Newspaper? Are you enjoying the Medieval Party of 2013? Are you excited for any of the upcoming events?

Until then, waddle on!

Hovering Potion

Hello guys,

The new Potion of Hovering will make you swing around! If you wanna be a hovering chicken, first fail the game and then use this potion!

If you want to look how your penguin will look like, visit this page!

See you next time!

About Rockhopper's Key

Hello Penguins,
Many of you probably already know where Rockhopper's Key can be found and have it. But I've been hearing some of our newer penguins were having troubles finding it while he was here...

I want to make sure that next time he visits, everyone knows where the key is and has it. So if you find a penguin that needs help finding it, don't hesitate to help! That's what community is all about right? (And we totally have the best community)
Waddle on!


Hey there,

Club Penguin give us a sneak peak about the final potion!

Waddle on!

Penguin of the Day (Sparkles3000)

Hi guys,

Sparkles3000 has been nominated by one of our previous winners! I think its fab how highly you all think of one another! Anyway, look how cute Sparkles' outfit is – she's always dressed to impress and is a loyal friend to her buds.

Send us your nominations via the Contact us page.

Until next time!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Medieval Party - Don't Miss This!

Hello Penguins,
The Medieval Party is in full swing! And here's a list of things you definitely won't want to miss!

  • Help Gary the Gadget Guy by mixing the potions in the Book of Potions
  • Visit all the party rooms to receive the Explorer Stamp
  • Meet Gary
  • Challenge a friend to a jousting match
  • Visit the Wizard Academy and take a class in potion concoction
The party is here until October 1st! 
Waddle on!

Blue Puffle Dragon Potion

Whats up guys?

I'm sure you love being green puffle dragon! How about a blue puffle dragon? Now you can make some potions for yourself to change into a blue puffle dragon.

Here what you will look like:

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Penguin of the Day (Basuca46)

He’s been Thor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Biker, a Surfer AND Mike Wazowski! I love getting in the spirit of role-play too! I’m sure you’ll see the brill Basuca46 as some kind of knight / dragon character during the Medieval Party. Make sure you join in the fun too!

Contact us with your nominations for Penguin of the Day! Every successful penguin gets 5000 coins!
Waddle on!

Fairy Potion

Hello there,

The Potion of Fairy is now available! Maybe some of you guys love being fairy... And you can play the water slide at the Snow Fort too!

You will look like this:

Until next time!

Blog Brainstorm - New Horizons Part 2

Hello Penguins,
How's everyone enjoying the Medieval Party? I love turning my penguin into a puffle chicken when I pick the wrong potion. So fun!
We've heard from some of you recently that you want to see a "part 2" to the "New Horizons" behind-the-scenes video we made last yearA few of you asked why we haven't made another one. The answer is simple -- we only have time to make a few videos each month, and other videos we make tend to be more popular than our "behind the scenes" videos. However, we do know that some of you are really interested in these kind of videos, so we'd like to hear your thoughts....

It's time for a little blog brainstorm! If we were to make another "New Horizons" behind-the-scenes video, what would you like to see in it? We'd love to hear what would be most interesting to you. Do you prefer "New Horizons" or the "Behind the Scenes" video below? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment as a reply to this blog post! 

In other news... You'll be stoked to know that I've invited a bunch of the other Club Penguin mods to post your comments, so you should see your comments published quicker than ever before! Keep an eye on the comments to see if you spot any familiar penguin names...
Until next time... Waddle on!

Medieval Party on Now

Greetings Penguins,
The Medieval Party is finally here!
What do you think of the party so far?
Waddle on!

Monday, 23 September 2013

Black Puffle Unicorn Potion

Whats up?

Have you tried the White Puffle Unicorn Potion? Why don't you try the Black one? Anyway,we got five potions left!

This is how your player look like:

See you guys later!

Penguin of the Day (Kittypaws101)

Hey guys,

Spaceship? Check. Shark head on the wall? Check. Perfect recipe for an epic igloo? CHECK! Kittypaws101 has even got a random outfit on her penguin to match! A perfect mix of brill and silly. It’s brilly.

Contact Club Penguin if you think you know who the next Penguin of the Day should be.

Waddle on!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

The Vanishing Potion

Hi there,

Have you ever wished no one can see you? If you do, go brewing a Potion of The Vanishing now! This potion only work on your penguin's body. It means that your cloth is still visible by other penguin!

You will look like this:

Bye now!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Green Puffle Dragon Potion

Hey Penguins,

Its Saturday and time to create a new potion! The new potion change you into a Green Puffle Dragon! I liked this potion so much!

This is how your player card look:

Until next time!

Friday, 20 September 2013

#WaddleOn! Episode 10

Hey there,

The 10th episode was skipped for last week because today we got a DOUBLE-SIZE MUSICAL EPISODE!  #WaddleOn Episode 10 shows two penguins as they struggle to find their voices! 

In this episode, you will see various characters from previous episode! I'm wondering if we have voice...

Until next time!

Ogre Size Potion

Hi guys,

The new potion is now available to make! The Potion of Ogre Size make your penguin's size bigger than normal! As always, careful while making the potion or else you will turn into a chicken.

This is how you look:

The tomorrow potion is the dragon puffle transformation!

See you again!

Daffo's UK Medieval Potion Party

Hello guys,

Daffodaily5 leaves a message to us:

"As you guys know, I'm from the UK, so the Medieval Party is one of my all time favourite paaaar-tays! I recently popped into the Town, where I saw a bunch of these penguins waddling around looking a bit... strange. A helpful fellow nearby kindly explained that some magical potions were turning people into odd things. Well, I have to admit, that sounded pretty fun!

o listen up, my fellow merry Medieval pals! Feel free to join me for a funky Potion Party tomorrow, September 21st, at 3am Penguin Standard Time (11am in the UK) on the server Yeti? I can't wait to see you there! Unless you're invisible, in which case I probably won't see you at all...!"

Waddle on!

Penguin of the Day (Icyblue1113)

Hey Penguins,

Icyblue1113 is a real hero! They rally up the troops on Club Penguin to join an epic club which is all about donating to Coins for Change and giving tours! I’m a Tour Guide too, can I join pleeeease?

You know what to do! Contact CP!

Bye now!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

White Puffle Unicorn Potion

Hi guys,

For the first day of the party, you can make a White Puffle Unicorn Potion! You should collect the ingredients first before you could make some. Remember, every game make 5 potions!

This is how it looks on your player card:

Check back tomorrow for more potions!

Until next time!

Medieval Party 2013 Costume Catalog

Hi there,

In need of some medieval gear to celebrate the Medieval Party of 2013? You're in luck! Some spectacular new clothing items have been released today in the party catalog for members to purchase and pick up to help them get their medieval-on!

Do you like these brand new costume? Which one you gonna buy and wear? Make sure to leave a comment!

Bye now!

Medieval Party 2013 Walkthrough

Hello Penguins,

The Medieval Party 2013 is here and I'm gonna show you guys the room that were decorated for the party! Sadly, there's only a few room that got decorated.





Snow Forts



Mine Shack

Pizza Parlor

Coffee Shop

Until then, waddle on!

Fluffy Crest Pin

Hey guys,

The Medieval Party has started! This means the new pin had been released now! The location for the new pin is at the Book Room.

Go claim the pin now before the new pin coming for next 2 weeks!

See you later!